Would Mr. Burrowes inspect the Mosques

Prof. Dr. Ata ATUN

Yazarın tüm yazılarını görüntüle

 22 Nisan 2012 Saat : 6:20

Arpalık (Agios Sozomenos) Once a Turkish Village. Burnt and Razed down by Greeks

Arpalık (Agios Sozomenos) Once a Turkish Village. Burnt and Razed down by Greeks

Last November, the British Conservative MP and the  leader of the Cyprus Group in parliament (APPG), Mr. David Burrowes stated that
he was appalled by the disrespect shown towards the sacred places like Churches  and graveyards during his visit to the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC).


I would like to  ask him, whether he actually visited the Turkish Cypriot cemeteries, mosques,
villages and enclaves in the south of Cyprus?


I am not sure if  he really visited these places.


I have a strong  feeling that he did not, because if he really did, then surely it would have
turned his stomach to see the condition of our sacred places.


From time to time I ask myself whether we are experiencing  a modern crusade in the 21. Century?


Mr. Burrowes  stated  recently he would visit the following villages, Paşaköy (Asha), Gaziköy
(Afanya), Gazimağusa (Famagusta), Nergisli (Yenagra) to clean the Greek  Churches and cemeteries there.


Please also visit an area, where once a Turkish Cypriot  village named Arpalık (Agios Sozomenos) stood, while you are journeying to
Gaziköy (Afanya). It is on your way, it’s after you pass the village of  Akıncılar (Lourigina), and it is just to the right. Once upon a time, or to be
precise, exactly 48 years ago, there used to be a Turkish Cypriot village there.
Now only the razed ruins and burned beams of a ghost village remain.


Please do ask the people accompanying you,  especially your Greek Cypriot colleagues, what happened to this village? And
where are the Turkish Cypriot residents of this once proud village?

If you really do have intentions of cleaning sacred sites,  would it not be better if you start from here?


If your flight  is landing at Paphos airport, than I would strongly advise you to visit Yağmuralan (Vroisha) village, located close to the
main highway near the airport, you would be fortunate to find a road to this village,  where 48 years ago stood another proud village that was habited by mainly
Turkish Cypriots.

If by blind chance you do find the route and reach the  ruins of the village on foot, please do give me a call and I’ll give you the
history of this village and what happened to its inhabitance.

Of course, now, there is no road leading to the  village because there is no village, just a few rocks that were once people’s
homes, people’s work places.


If you don’t succeed in finding this village, never  mind, just ask your guides where the Camii Cedid is? This New Mosque in Paphos,
and the adjacent Turkish bath, situated in the Turkish quarter, were knocked  down and the area converted to an open air car park, all in a flash of a
second, not so much of a single thought of how sacred these buildings were to  Turkish Cypriots, hey, who cares, they only belonged to the ‘second class
citizens’ of the then Republic of Cyprus.

Please do ask for the history of this car park, you  wouldn’t lose anything, you might even learn something new, assuming your
guides told you the truth of course.


Where were you Mr. Burrowes for the past 48 years?
Why you don’t have any idea about these places or what happened to us, Turkish  Cypriots, on the night of 21st December  1963 and the genocidal attacks on innocent
Turkish Cypriots, men, women, children, either buried alive in mass graves or  forced to flee into enclaves, it all started on this notorious night.


Why did you not visit Cyprus while the Greek  Cypriots were ruthlessly killing us? burning down our homes and crops, destroying
the fields and looting the animal stock.


You might say that you do not want to deal with the  past, and then my advice would be for you to visit Limassol and the Köprülü
Hacı İbrahim Ağa mosque, situated in Ankara street.

Only Last week this mosque was attacked and the wooden  beams on the vaulted roof were completely burned down, as well as the windows
and the doors.


This was not the first or the last assault on  Islamic sacred places or cemeteries.


If by chance you are traveling to Nicosia, please  stop by the village called Lakadamya (Lakatemia) and ask the Greek settlers now
living in this once Turkish Cypriot village, where the Turkish Cypriot cemetery  is, then get your brooms and weed trimmers ready to clean up this cemetery,
that is if you can find it of course.

If you cannot find it, please ask the locals when was  this area converted to a highway?, if no Greek Cypriot can answer you, then
please allow me to inform you that it  was made into a highway in 2005.

This centuries old Turkish cemetery was demolished in  2005 when the Nicosia-Deftera road was renewed.


Where were you Mr. Burrowes and your colleagues from  the year 2005 and onwards, whilst the Turkish sacred places were being ruthlessly
destroyed and burnt down by the Greek Cypriots?


Please sweep and clean the Turkish mosques and  cemeteries before you come to the TRNC to clean the Christian churches and


If not please do not come. We are not going to  welcome you.





April 21, 2012

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    Would Mr. Burrowes inspect the Mosques için yorumlar kapalı

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